Hannah's Helpful Links


Here is a list of some of the websites I found quite helpful throughout this semester of my first electronic publishing experience...
  • PageResource is really helpful to get more familiarized with some basic HTML tags, as well as CSS. They put things plain and simple!
  • Tizag provides a lot of useful HTML terms that other websites mention, so if you're new to the sport, there is hope!
  • NetMechanic writes monthly newsletters with really cools tips on HTML and CSS, if you're looking for some new way to pep up your stuff.
  • Background City has a lot of different cool background images you can use anywhere on your site- from nature to holiday themed images!

    ...And here are a couple of my personal favorite blogs

  • Sous Style is a funky girl named Pippa's place to post some of the quirky things she likes. Has anything from home decor, restaurant reviews, and recipies. She has some really cool pictures too!
  • Goop is Gwyneth Paltrow's blog feautring healthy recipies, interesting things to do, cool spots to shop, and other lifestyle choices.